Raid Progression
About EvolutionZ

We are a progression based raiding guild who has a focus on clearing as many mobs are possible in our short 6 hour a week raiding schedule. We like to focus on progression just as much as gearing players up. Our raid hours are Monday, Wednesday and Thursday 6-8PM eastern. As far as I am aware we are the only true eastern based guild. My goal was multiple things when creating this raid team. The main thing was to have raid times that would allow players with normal early morning jobs time to sleep and not be up all night in order to raid. Along with that we have taken down some pretty impressive mobs in the short time we have been together. Anyone is welcome to apply to the guild, gear or no gear, it is up to you to prove that you're worth the team's time. Being the best you can be includes dedication outside of raids, not just showing up to raids and expecting to be top of your class. See below for our current progression, and if you want to apply, click on the left side of the screen "Apply to Guild" and someone will get back to you shortly.

Currently Recruiting - Back ups of all classes


Visions of Vetrovia

Waiting for name list. 

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